Just as hunters use camouflage jackets, some animals have spots, which they use to blend into their environment. Although household animals inherited these features from their ancestors, some just need it to survive in the wild.
Here are some animals that possess beautiful spots:
1. Dalmatian
Although nobody can tell how Dalmatians acquired their spots, they are still one of the most popular dog breeds. Thanks to their unique pelt.
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2. Appaloosa
The Appaloosa is a gorgeous horse breed that is known for its spotted coat. They have this unique coat pattern because of their genetic makeup.
3. Spotted Bush Snake
The spotted bush snakes have green bodies and distinctive black spots that run throughout their backs. They use their colors to camouflage and hide from predators.
4. Spotted Turtle
The spotted turtle is covered with yellow and orange marks all over the body. At birth, they only have one spot. But, as they grow, they can have up to 100.
5. Pietrain Pig
Because they originated in Pietrain, Belgium, this spotted pig was named pietrain pig. They are known for their unusual coat with black spots.

6. Brazilian Tapir Calf
Unlike other spotted species, the Brazilian Tapir Calf loses its spotted coat after infancy. The stripes and spots that are on their coats only offer protection to them while they are young.

7. Leopard
The leopard has one of the most distinct coat patterns in the animal kingdom. Unlike the cheetah’s coat, the leopard have complex patterns that are called rosettes. They use these to camouflage through the bushes and grasses.

8. Holstein Friesian Cow
The Holstein Friesian cow is a spotted cow that provides the milk we drink. Just like the fingerprints of humans, no two cows have the same spot pattern.

9. Spotted Moray Eel
Although it looks like a reptile, the spotted Moray eel is actually a fish. Out of 200 different species of moray eels, only one has spots.

10. Spotted Trunkfish
The spotted trunkfish became known due to their triangular-shaped bodies and spotted coats. They use their coat to camouflage from predators.

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