22 Stunning Visuals From Around the World


There are a lot of unimaginable things in this world, most of which can barely be seen by human eyes. If you want to explore more about this place we live in and everything about it, scroll down below and find 22 amazing facts that might just better help you understand how our world moves.

1. So, that explains the intermittent signal.

2. Flight paths across UK

3. No, this is not fabric, this is pure marble.

4. The third oldest tortoise in history was owned by Charles Darwin.

5. You’ve seen how heart looks like, now it’s time for you to see heart strings.

6. Amazing bronze sculpture in Northern France

7. Goblins never expose themselves too much in the first place.


8. This monk prayed on the same spot for more than 10 years.

9. Stunning from above, but deadly on the surface.

10. Shutter-delay photography at Hanover Airport, Germany

11. Mexico City on a bird’s viewpoint

12. World-recording holding pit stop within 2.05 seconds

13. Sand sculptures formed by this couple

14. A more advanced camera that captures the outer space.

15. Nordlingen, Germany, the city built in a crater of meteorite

16. This is the way to play the Snake game.


17. Space photo of an eclipse

18. An atomic bomb just after it explodes

19. An octopus that camouflages as a coral

 20. Gorilla sculpture made of pencils


21. Just one of those days in the Arctic region

22. A glimpse of the whole nervous system.

And yet, these are just few of the million things you need to know about the earth.

Learn more amazing facts below:



Written by andrew

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