Josh Sundquist Impresses the Internet with His Epic Halloween Costumes

Josh Sundquist and His Epic Halloween Costumes 

Disability has never stopped famous comedian and motivational speaker Josh Sundquist from enjoying life to the fullest. Proof of his ability to find joy in the grimmest of situations is his habit of dressing up in the most outlandish costumes during Halloween that specifically point to his disability as a one-legged amputee. Josh Sundquist  had contracted cancer in his childhood, and the illness took away his one leg. Having to live with just one leg had been difficult for Josh, but he learned to take it positively, using humor and wit to somehow deal with life as handicapped person. 

Every Halloween, Josh Sundquist has made it a tradition to dress up in a clever outfit that’s not just fun but also aims to inspire people with disabilities to fully embrace their condition and their bodies. Here are a few of his iconic Halloween costumes that have both amused and inspired millions of people across the country. 

The Gingerbread Man – 2010

This was the first time he ever dressed up in a one-legged theme for his Halloween costume. Josh has said of this costume that at the time he just wanted to dress up in something that would make his friends laugh, and the idea that came to his mind was a one-legged character that would specifically highlight his disability and make an ironic joke about it. What was funny, though, was strangers would react to the costume and would ask where he had hidden his “other” leg! 

The Foosball Player – 2014

2014 was the year when Josh participated in an international tournament with the US Amputee Soccer Team, so he felt it quite appropriate to dress up as one. Also, according to Josh in his Instagram post, “Amputee soccer is basically human foosball.”

The IHOP Sign – 2015

Josh’s innate love for puns shone through when he came up with his IHOP costume on Halloween of 2015. What was a brilliant feature about the costume was that people would just think it’s a normal sign until Josh would hop away. Then they’d make a collective realization about the pun and would laugh together.

The Genie from Aladdin – 2018

Josh Sundquist Impresses the Internet with His Epic Halloween Costumes

Dressing up as the Genie from the classic Disney animated film Aladdin had a much more sentimental reason behind it than just wanting to make people laugh. At the time that he was a child and had just lost his leg to cancer, an animator working at Walt Disney had written to him. He happened to be a double amputee, and his name was Broose Johnson. One of the characters he had worked on in animation was the Genie, and thus the character had held a special meaning for him ever since. In his Instagram account, Josh said, “I wanted to dress as Genie as a tribute to Broose.”

The Pixar Lamp – 2019

His latest Halloween costume is yet another epic one: the iconic PIXAR lamp, which a lot of us are already familiar with. For this particular costume, he got the help of his friends from SoloRoboto Industries. It’s so cool that it can even light up, just like a regular lamp! He even shared videos on his Instagram where he was recreating that scene from the opening credits of any PIXAR movie, when the lamp crushed the “I” part.


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