Kelly Clarkson, American singer, songwriter, and television personality, performing on stage with a microphone in hand, showcasing her powerful vocals and engaging stage presence.
Powerhouse vocalist and Grammy winner, Kelly Clarkson, shining bright on and off the stage.

Kelly Clarkson Credits 5 Factors for Recent Weight Loss

Kelly Clarkson shared her weight loss strategies, including walking, a diverse diet, infrared saunas, and cold plunges, emphasizing her doctor’s advice.

She mentioned enjoying occasional treats and confessed her love for a protein-rich diet due to her Texan roots.

In her well-being routine, Clarkson values city walks, infrared saunas, and recently added a cold plunge, influenced by others’ recommendations.

Despite her disciplined approach, she still indulges occasionally, savoring moments like having frozen yogurt with her daughter.

Discover the five significant factors contributing to Kelly Clarkson’s weight loss success, gaining insights into their overall effectiveness from experts.

Infrared Saunas: Sweating Out the Fun

Not the first weight loss choice, but trying an infrared sauna can lower the scale number, though mostly through water loss.

Despite some studies linking infrared saunas to fat loss, nutritionist Natalie Burrows warns they’re not a standalone tool.

Infrared saunas use red light to induce body heat, promoting sweating for detox, but it’s not a miraculous weight loss method.

Burrows emphasizes hydration’s key role as saunas induce water weight loss, cautioning against relying solely on sweating for weight control.

While occasional sauna use has little harm and aids detox, Burrows stresses a balanced diet, not assuming you can sweat off indulgences.

Cold Plunges: Chilling with Purpose

Kelly Clarkson isn’t alone in embracing cold plunges; they’re a TikTok trend. Can they aid weight loss? A 2022 study suggests potential fat reduction through blood sugar regulation.

Regular cold plunges, per nutritionist Sarah Cooke, may trigger fat loss via shivering muscles (calorie burn) and brown fat activation.

Despite these mechanisms, cold plunges aren’t a miraculous weight-loss solution. Brown fat, vital for warmth, is a small fraction compared to white fat. Evidence, warns Cooke, is limited and mostly from animal studies. Translating findings to humans requires further research.

Walking: The Underestimated Hero

Consider walking as a valuable weight loss tool, according to Burrows. She labels it as an underrated exercise with significant benefits.

Scientific evidence supports this claim. In a 12-week study, individuals with obesity who reduced daily calories by 500-800 and walked three hours weekly at 3.7mph lost 4 pounds more than non-walkers.

A 2015 review suggests walking for at least 150 minutes weekly to maintain a stable weight, contributing to weight loss.

Walking boosts daily energy expenditure; aiming for 10,000 steps is unnecessary. Focus on incrementally increasing your baseline, making consistent, sustainable changes.

Cooke advises assessing your current steps and gradually adding more, emphasizing regularity over large, unsustainable alterations to promote effective weight loss.

Eating a Healthy Mix: Fueling the Fun

Kelly Clarkson emphasizes maintaining a balanced diet with a mix of nutrients, particularly a protein-rich intake, for effective weight loss.

Experts agree on the significance of a varied diet incorporating proteins, fats, and fiber. Protein aids in digestion, boosts thermogenesis, and enhances satiety, reducing overall calorie intake.

Regarding fats and fiber, Burrows highlights that their slower breakdown and release contribute to prolonged fullness, making them valuable for weight management.

Weight loss studies, like a 2016 review, indicate that diet surpasses exercise in effectiveness. Although both contribute, dietary changes play a pivotal role.

In the comparison of diet versus exercise for weight loss, diet emerged as superior, with exercise alone having a minor impact on reducing body weight.

Occasional Treats: Sweet Indulgences for Success

Diets, if excessively strict, pose long-term adherence challenges. Occasional treats support compliance with a new healthy eating plan, making it sustainable.

Cooke recommends the 80/20 rule for balanced eating. Denying ourselves enjoyable foods leads to feeling restricted, craving more, and loss of control.

The 80/20 rule suggests maintaining a healthy diet 80% of the time and indulging in treats during the remaining 20%, promoting balance.

Although lacking specific scientific backing, a study comparing flexible and rigid diet approaches found both effective for weight loss. Flexible dieting increased fat-free muscle.