The Do’s and Don’ts of Makeup …Do It and Exercise Your Freedom to Look Gorgeous

The Do’s and Don’ts of Makeup …Do It and Exercise Your Freedom to Look Gorgeous


Applying makeup is a tricky task. Most women use this to hide imperfections and look more presentable and pretty, but choosing the wrong colors can work against you, making you look tired, harsh, or haggard.

There are all sorts of beauty rules that women have been taught to follow. And, they dictate everything from how to properly apply perfume to how much shimmer is acceptable. What actually happens if you decide to break one of the rules?  Don’t worry, you won’t incite some kind of chaos.  In fact, you might even end up breaking some rules that should be broken in the first place.

With that said, here are some makeup rules that you would be wise to break:

“Blue eyeshadow doesn’t belong on your face”


“You should only have one main makeup color”


“Redheads can’t wear red lipstick”


“You should stick with a classic French manicure”


“Nails should be short and square”




“Eyebrows should match your hair color.”


“Don’t apply mascara to your bottom lashes”


“Older women should be conservative”


“Men should not wear makeup”


“Don’t let your roots grow out”





“Frosted lipstick is so ’90s.”



“False eyelashes should not be used in daytime.”


“You Manicure and pedicure should match”



“Don’t put glitter on your face”


“If you have curly hair, you shouldn’t have bangs”




“Cover up gray hair”


“Focus on your eyes or lips. Not both”


Beauty trends come and go, and beauty rules can be outdated. These pictures are just examples that if you apply it well, you can break just about any makeup rule and still look gorgeous. The trick is in the application and blending of the colors that you choose to use on your face. Plus, of course, if you have the confidence to flaunt it, then go for it!


Check out the videos below for some makeup tutorials:


To learn more about makeup techniques, read:

10 Makeup Blunders That Will Make You Appear Older

10 Makeup Mishaps Women Must Avoid

This Beauty Guru Does Her Makeup Like A Clown and The Result is Amazing- Wow