Cheating Wife Caught by Husband While Her Lover Escaped – Video


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According to rumors, the man exits the scene through a third floor window in just his underpants because the woman’s husband caught them in bed. The footage first features the couple who seem to be arguing on the balcony of their apartment.

In the video, the woman who had been cheated and is looking for answers is holding up a shirt demanding who the owner is before throwing it down to the street. Then in a window nearby, the lover is caught trying to make a getaway in his underwear. He uses a makeshift rope to lower himself down to the street level.

The cheater struggles with his feat. Luckily, firefighters were there to help him by setting up an air mattress. He walks away amidst a growing crowd of cheering and jeering people. This video was uploaded on YouTubeand since then, it has made rounds on social media. However, their are many viewers questioning its authenticity speculating its just an elaborate hoax for a TV show.

Watch the video below

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