9 Cheap DIY Graduation Gifts (They’ll Actually Use)

9 Cheap DIY Graduation Gifts (They’ll Actually Use)


Summer has finally arrived, which means graduation parties are on and poppin’! Of course, we all love to give and receive gifts, but when majority of your friends PLUS some of your family members are all graduating at once, things can get pretty pricey! And what’s the worst part about getting someone an expensive gift? You noticing them not using it. We have that part covered for you.

Whether your kids are on their way to middle school, high school, or college, or any graduation for that matter, check out these 12 cheap and easy do-it-yourself present ideas that anyone will love and will actually use:

1) Business Cards

The very first step for a grad to getting that great new job or awesome internship – making a great first impression!You wouldn’t want your buddy or family friend to miss out on an opportunity because they couldn’t afford the proper tools! Help them out by ordering them some of their very own business cards to take with them everywhere tehy go. They will come in handy later on.


2) Memory Board

This is a fun one! All you really need is a cheap frame, poster board, old photos and any other memorabilia from the year you can think of that your grad would love to look at every day. Its great decor for their first dorm and an awesome way to remember their journey through their last stage in life. There’s really no limit to how many memories you can fit on the board so go nuts!

3) College Survival Kit

Pack up that shower caddy, Top Ramen and laundry instructions because your grad is going to need a little help during their first year on their own! A college survival kit can be filled with stuff you know they LOVE and always use/eat or it can be filled with things you know they might not be able to afford. Some ideas for the kits: shaving razors, pens/pencils, cleaning supplies, bed linens etc. Your grad will definitely thank you later!

4) Candy Gram

This is another really fun idea!!! Use your grads favorite candy bars and write a short note on a poster and fill in the blanks with the corresponding candy. You could also use a mason jar filed with candy and the message taped to the outside. It’s a classic spin on the regular ol’ graduation card with some chocolate.

5) Cash

This is the one gift in particular you know won’t go to waste! But don’t just stick some money in an envelope –  get funky with it!  A clever way to gift your grad some moola is to put it in a frame or a candy box – you can also get creative with your folding technique,make a money chain, or take a more humorous route.


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