Adorable Monkey Getting a Full Makeover

Adorable Monkey Getting a Full Makeover


Angel, an 18-year-old Java macaque, has become an Internet sensation after a video of her was posted on social media.

In the footage, Angel is seen getting a full makeover for her upcoming birthday. While the macaque is sitting, her owner, Teresa Bullock is plucking Angel’s eyebrows. After that, Teresa puts on a layer of moisturizer, eye shadow, and then lipstick. Since it was uploaded, it has garnered over 30 million views.

Although most of the comments were positive, there were some who have questioned Teresa for treating the monkey like that.




A YouTube user commented, “This is sad. Putting an animal through such stupidity. This little fella should be in the jungle”. 

“This is not attractive, this is a primate, not a ‘toy’ or ‘pet’. If you see primates in their correct environment you will see just how much this is inappropriate. I am sure this macaque is ‘loved’ but if you really love an animal, you would want the best environment for it and this is most definitely not,” another user commented.

Regardless, Angel looks like she won’t let her being a monkey stop her from being at her best.




Check her out in the videos here:


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