Brain Dead Pregnant Woman Kept Alive for 123 Gives Birth to Twins

Brain-Dead Pregnant Woman Kept on Life Support for 123 Days Gives Birth to Twins

A miracle can happen every single day. You may had felt one happen to you or heard an extraordinary story that strengthened your belief in a higher power. The story you are about to read is definitely one of miracles and strength.

It occurred just recently to a young family in Brazil. When the pregnant wife went brain-dead, doctors had to rush to save the lives of the twins in her womb. In the end, they managed to defy the odds of medical science by keeping the brain-dead pregnant woman on life support for a record-breaking 123 days.

Brain-Dead Pregnant Woman Kept Alive for 123 Days Gives Birth to Twins

Twenty-one-year-old Frankielen da Silva Zampoli Padilha was left brain-dead in October of last year. Before her death, she had been feeling sick throughout the ninth week of conception, often complaining of a sharp and piercing pain that ran across her neck and head. One day, Frankielen finally asked her husband, 24-year-old Muriel Padilha, to bring her to the hospital, but she lost consciousness along the way.

The stroke left the young mother brain dead, and doctors began to fear for the worst. Frankielen’s attending physicians at Nosso Senhora do Rocio Hospital warned her husband that the unborn twins would likely not survive. Once that day came, Muriel could make the decision to turn off his wife’s life support and bury his family in peace.

But something amazing happened.

The nine-week-old embryos continued to thrive inside their mother’s womb, and it was discovered that all her organs were fully functional. Everyone who attended to Frankielen was reduced to tears over the resilience of the twin babies and their mom.

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Brain Dead Pregnant Woman

The medical personnel made a decision to keep Frankielen on life support until the day her unborn children were fully developed. Every day, the doctors, nurses, and caretakers took on the role of nurturing the growing babies as the mom lay unconscious in the ICU. They brought in flowers, played music, and sang to the twins. At one point, Frankielen’s womb moved as the twins reacted to the music being played.

Gave Birth To A Twin
After more than six months, twins Ana Vitoria and Asaph were born in February 2017. Both babies weighed at 3 pounds each and were discharged a month later after being monitored closely in incubators.

The twin babies have an older sister named Isa Beatriz. 

Up to her very last breath, Frankielen has shown an incredible amount of strength. Though the children will never personally get to know their mother, at least this story will serve as a reminder of her unconditional love.

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