LED Beer Pong Table

The World’s First-Ever Interactive LED Beer Pong Table

Beer pong is a staple game played at parties or casual night-outs with friends. Though the rules of the game are relatively simple, people have been turning it up a notch by redesigning the iconic beer pong table in several stylish ways. For instance, there’s the inflatable beer pong table, which is the perfect finishing touch for pool parties.

Today, you can check out and be in awe over this one-of-a-kind beer pong table that managed to bag top spots in several design contests. Check out the stunning project originally posted by the website Instructables below.

Award-Winning Interactive LED Beer Pong Table

This interactive LED beer pong table was the recipient of the grand prize in the FSL Contest on Instructables. It also went on to win second place in the Radioshack Sensors Contest and made a special appearance on Discovery Channel’s Daily Planet show. The LED beer pong table became a social media sensation as well, with photos and videos of its stunning design making rounds on different websites.

According to Regax, the man behind the project, it took him over the course of a year and eight hours a day to complete the entire thing. The first material he needed to secure was the 32 x 12 LED grid. Once he put that in place, he began to envision the rest of the design. Regax shared that the most tedious step was creating the software rather than actually assembling the project.

Now you have the chance of recreating the LED table using a pre-made kit by Chexal Technologies. The kit includes an already-assembled electronic design, PCBs, and others. All you need to do is to customize the table according to your preference. Regax suggests adding more LED lights to the unused WM channels or switching the LED rings for smaller logos.

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Interactive LED Beer Pong Table

If you do plan to make any modifications such as swapping out the LED rings, you need to be careful not to exceed the maximum ratings of the transistors responsible for making the device work. For more details on how to assemble the LED table on your own or if you want to order the kit, head on over to the Chexal Technologies website right here.

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