Christmas Sweaters For Breastfeeding Moms? You Won’t Believe it…

Christmas Sweaters For Breastfeeding Moms? You Won’t Believe it…

The season of giving and sharing will never be complete without Christmas sweaters. But now we’ve got Christmas sweaters for breast feeding Moms? Though they work best as costumes for themed-parties and events, they also make great festive garments for nursing mothers.

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So in celebration of the upcoming holidays, the Facebook page Beautiful Breastfeeding shared a photo of a Christmas sweater that looks quite comfortable for breastfeeding mothers. Since it was uploaded, it has been shared more than 6,000 times. In fact, there are even users who are tagging their nursing friends in the comments.

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The post has received varied reactions. Facebook user Hayley Ranson Mullins even highlighted the hypocrisy of some people toward breastfeeding. She said, “Everyone will be fine with this until you take the nose off and put a baby there.”

Actually, the sweater isn’t really intended for nursing mothers alone. However, the popularity of the post just proves that it is really appealing to that particular demographic. But if you wish to grab yourself a sweater, you can visit an Etsy shop named YourSassyGrandma. There, you can pick from a variety of patterns and colors.

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