Teacher Takes an Extra Mile to Keep Students Safe …Walks Them Home Every Day

Teacher Takes an Extra Mile to Keep Students Safe …Walks Them Home Every Day


A teacher from Memphis, Tennessee, is literally taking the extra mile for his beloved students.

Every day, Carl Schneider walks his young students home from school. He is among the group of five teachers at Whitney Achievement who willingly do this job that is obviously outside their profession.

As part of the volunteers’ walking program, about 200 students have to be walked home to keep them safe. It may sound as an easy task, but in reality, it’s not. Many of these elementary kids live in apartments that are about a quarter-mile away from the school. Meaning, its a long walk for a small child to walk alone.

If you’re wondering what the teacher and the kids talk about while walking, Carl said, “We can just get to know the kids and talk about what they did over the weekend or how their behavior was at school that day or what they learned.”




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The aim of the program is not just to ensure the students arrive home safe, it also seeks to establish a special connection between the kids and their teachers.

Tabitha Judy Jones, the person who took the photo of Carl and the kids, was asked about her thoughts and opinion about the rare scenario. She said, “I didn’t think this was part of the job description. But it’s so sweet that he goes above and beyond for the children.”

For this inspiring young teacher, the walks are something that he’s excited to do every day. In fact, he’s been participating in the program for three years already. He said, “I’m also really glad that people know the teachers in this community are really invested in the community.”


Watch Carl’s story in the video below.


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