Kenasyn Bird

Kenasyn Bird: Amazing Little Girl Overcomes Obstacles with Just One Leg

The amount of courage and strength in a person is not measured by size. Young Kenasyn Bird is a true example of what that saying truly means. Ever since this feisty little girl was born into this world, she faced a number of life-threatening challenges and painful surgery that most adults may not even take. But instead of allowing it to get the best of her, she defied the odds with her bravery and determination.

The Amazing ‘Warrior Baby’ Kenasyn Bird

Kenasyn Bird’s life is just as unique as her name. The little girl got off to a rocky start when doctors discovered physical deformities while she lay inside her mother’s womb. It all started when Kenasyn’s mom, Candi, headed to a scheduled ultrasound. All she and her husband expected to learn that day was their baby’s gender. But the staff had to fill them in with grim news. The ultrasound revealed that Kenasyn had several spinal and clubfoot issues. In Candi’s own words, she recalled how “things continued to go downhill from there.”

By the time Kenasyn was born, more and more health issues began piling in. The NICU nurses informed Candi and her husband that their baby had anorectal malformation with a vaginal fistula, meaning she would have to dispose of her feces through the vaginal region. On top of that, Kenasyn was diagnosed with coxa vara, developmental hip dysplasia, fibular hemimelia, and tibial hemimelia, which required Kenasyn’s leg to be amputated.

Because of her multiple health concerns, Kenasyn spent the first year of her life around doctors, surgeries, and follow-up appointments. At just 24 days old, she needed to undergo a colonoscopy. Once that was finished, she had to repair her orthopedic issues one by one through another round of surgeries. Kenasyn was not out of the woods once she had her leg amputated. One week after the amputation, she developed an allergy to the sutures used in the operation. Kenasyn needed to go under the knife yet again to remove the infected tissues and have the sutures replaced to prevent further complications. Despite everything she had to endure, Kenasyn grew up to be a strong little girl. Candi even began to fondly call her warrior baby.

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Warrior Baby

Kenasyn, being the warrior she was born to be, fights through all her medical concerns with a brave smile on her face. Now five years old, Kenasyn can be seen conquering a rock wall with her prosthetic leg in a video recently shared by her mom. To follow Kenasyn and her inspiring journey, check out the family’s official Facebook page right here.

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