Mother Monster’s creative influence has spread to the members of her own team!
A keyboard player on Lady Gaga’s team named Brockett Parsons recently became the headline on the news himself when he developed the world’s first ever 360-degree keyboard. Naming it the PianoArc, the ingenious wraparound keyboard features a total of 294 keys, divided into three contiguous 88-note keyboards and one 30-note control section. It also boasts a three-pitch bend/mod for each full keyboard section.
To assemble the revolutionary keyboard, Parsons had to solicit the help of a team of expert technicians, designers, and keyboardists. The circular piano measures a total of 6 feet in diameter and rests on a stand that can tilt at an angle of fifty degrees and which can also easily be adjusted.
It was named the “Brockettship” after Brockett Parsons himself, and it was built to maximize a stage performance and bring it to a level that’s never been heard or seen on stage before, which is just fitting especially if you consider Lady Gaga’s image and reputation as a performer. The Brockettship allows anyone who plays it more than enough room to play it as well as the opportunity to just rock out and have fun while performing on stage.
Parsons himself has said of his musical invention, “Why should the guitar players have all the fun?”
Parsons debuted the instrument in Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl performance in 2017, where he understandably stood out and caught the attention of the sports event’s millions of viewers. Since then he has gone on to venture on his own musical career and release his debut album aptly titled Brockettship, after his famed piano. The album features an eclectic collection of musical compositions that explore Parson’s diverse musical tastes.
Check out the PianoArc in action and witness something that’s entirely on another level when it comes to musical performances.