An Orphaned Baby Kangaroo Loves to Hug His Teddy Bear

An Orphaned Baby Kangaroo Loves to Hug His Teddy Bear


This picture of a kangaroo hugging a teddy bear is truly heartwarming. The picture was tweeted on Tuesday by Tim Beshara, an adviser to Greens Senator for Tasmania Peter Whish-Wilson. The eastern gray kangaroo is named “Doodlebug”, and is being cared by Tim Beshara’s Mother named Gillian Abbott, in the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales, Australia.


Beshara told the Daily Mail that Doodlebug may have fallen out of his mother’s pouch or his mother may have died. This may be why the orphaned kangaroo seeks love from other animals, including a stuffed bear that he might have mistaken for a real animal. He was still a couple of months old when he was taken care of a wildlife company WIRES.

Doodlebug is now in the care of Gillian Abbott. She nursed him back to health and gave him a teddy bear to play with.



The Orphaned Kangaroo seems to enjoy his teddy bear companion, the same way as humans do.

The kangaroo may have noticed the cord tied to the teddy-bear so the kangaroo hugs it tight, afraid that the teddy bear might leave him.

Check out this similar story of an Orphaned Dog: Dog Acts as Baby Fox’s Foster Parent After Its Own Mom Died




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