Signs That You Love Yourself Just Way Too Much

Signs That You Love Yourself Just Way Too Much

Whitney Houston said it right in her song that indeed, “learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.” So get rid of insecurities and embrace your truest self.

Here are signs you truly love yourself – quirks and all.

Just a few words of caution, though: Love yourself but don’t overdo it. Which means, don’t do anything that could only please you while the rest of your friends are annoyed with your vainglory.

1. You fill your Twitter feed and Facebook wall with positive and status updates.


While other people rant and rave their unfortunate lives and their none-of-everybody’s-business problems on social media, you stretch life’s silver linings through happy updates. Here’s to spreading good vibes all around!

2. You don’t give in to doubt.


You’re caught in a sitch where your grumpy old boss asked you to do something out of the impossible. On your own, you’re clueless but you don’t worry. You’ll figure your way out somehow.

3. Feeling bummed out? You know the perfect solution to get rid of all that negativity.

jab we met

You treat yourself to your favorite meal in your favorite restaurant. All by yourself. You dance like nobody’s watching. When someone was mean to you, you don’t talk trash back. Instead, you show them you’re having the time of your life.

4. Geet from ‘Jab We Met’ is your idol and Bollywood soulmate.


Your movie idols has a bubbly personality and so are you! She gets what she wants and so do you!

5. You have your own fashion style that’s different from others.

adam levine

You don’t have to check the latest fashion magazine or the most fashionista celebrity to get yourself dressed up. You wear what you feel like wearing without allowing the latest trend rule over.






6. You can stand all day long in front of the mirror and love what you’re seeing.


You tell yourself you’re sexy every time you face the mirror.

7. You trust yourself completely.


There’s no space for negativity in your mind. Never. Ever.

8. Nobody has to remind you that you’re awesome because you know you are.


When somebody compliments you for your good pair of legs, you thank them right away. After all, you know more than they do that you really have sexy legs.

9. You don’t regret making mistakes. It wasn’t embarrassing at all.

hanah montana

You can even laugh at your own mistakes. You make peace with yourself after every blunder and move on. You can only improve and learn not to make those mistakes again.

10. Nobody can change the fun loving, perky you.


Nobody can change yourself for the worse. Old habits die hard, you know.






11. You love to take pictures of yourself.

Your phone is filled to capacity of pictures of yourself and you don’t think you’re a borderline narcissist. You love to record all that you do through selfies.

12. You praise yourself because you deserve it.

kanye west

You know your strong points and make use of them to improve yourself.

13. Confidence is both a strength and a weakness.


You are confident with what you do. However, being too confident with yourself to the point of looking down to others is one demon that you really need to work on.


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