Singing In The Rain! Building Plays Music During Storms

Singing In The Rain! Building Plays Music During Storms

This singing wall has tourists braving stormy weather to listen to its music, composed only when skies are grey.

An intricate system of drains and funnels is attached on the outside of a colorful house in Germany and when it rains the entire building becomes an instrument.

The house is located in Neustadt Kunsthofpassage, an area of Dresden part of an arts project called the Courtyard of Elements.


Rain rhapsody: The front of the house is adorned with an intricate network of drains which creates sweet music when it rains

The singing house was created by sculptor Annette Paul and designers Christoph Rossner and André Tempel, who all live in the musical home.

Ms Paul said she was inspired by her home in St Petersburg where she would listen to the ‘rain theatre’ of the pipes outside her home.

The Courtyard of Elements also have a yellow façade with aluminum panels representing the light, and  a green one adorned with giraffes and monkeys representing the animals.

Neustadt Kunsthofpassage has a total of five courtyards, including the ‘Courtyard of Metamorphoses and the Couryard of Mythical Creatures’



Drop the beat: The house, located in Dresden, Germany, has become a tourist attraction with many braving the weather to listen





House music: On days of bad weather the falling water is caught in the drain system creating musical sounds


Funnel fun: The strange house is located in the city’s student district


Outdoor concert: The house that sings in the rain was made in 1999


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