‘Teenage Bedrooms on Screen’ Blog Defines Teenagehood in a New Way

‘Teenage Bedrooms on Screen’ Blog Defines Teenagehood in a New Way


His hobby seems a bit out of the ordinary, but freelance editor Luke Goodsell says what he collects speak a lot about the stage we all go through and probably the phase where most of our rebellious-but-worth-keeping memories come from.

Goodsell is an experienced editor, writer, and content creator who specializes in covering music and movies for online print. He has worked for Rotten Tomatoes, Fox Interactive, and Empire magazine. Goodsell must be really a movie buff because of the work he does, and even on his free time, he stares at stuff about entertainment.

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Luke Goodsell

There’s one hobby, though, that sets him apart from everyone—capturing bedroom scenes from movies that define teenagehood. Check out some of these with the pictures below:










Goodsell started this hobby because he believes that a teen’s room is identity-forming. “Sometimes, it’s your entire world, so how it’s designed is an extension of your personality. You can see it in the best-designed rooms in films, which capture the tension between coddled childhoods and newfound creative expression,” he noted.

Check out these cool bedroom ideas for teenagers.



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