12 Countries Where You Can Find the World’s Most Gorgeous Women

12 Countries Where You Can Find the World’s Most Gorgeous Women

All women are beautiful. No matter what race, weight, or skin color they have, women continue to leave men in awe with their beauty and class.

As our idea of beauty may vary, let’s look at the list of countries where majority say we can find the most beautiful women.


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Coupled with their exotic wear and sparkling eyes, Indian women have an elegance and class like no other. Their long black hair and rich culture only add an aura of mystery to their outstanding beauty.



Argentinian ladies have unarguably the best hair in the world. They’re statuette and have beautiful, naturally tanned skin. Even their president is a beauty!


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In the world of international pageantry, Venezuela is the country to beat. It is no wonder as the women from this country always stand out because of their appeal and smoldering good looks.





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It’s no question that Brazil gives birth to the most notable supermodels. The country also has a bevy of women who came from different cultures—Brazilian-Japanese, white, and black—all in the same place. Although they did not win the FIFA World Cup 2014, they still hold the top spot when it comes to beautiful women.



French women are a class of their own because majority of them are well-dressed and chic. Their beauty is simply eye-catching.


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Known all over the world for their laid-back attitude and friendly smiles, Australian women have good looks to match their warm personality.





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Sweden boasts a beauty similar to that of a fairy-tale princess. Their long, blonde hair and green or blue eyes make them the personification of the characters we read in story books.



If there is one thing Ukrainian women share with their neighbors in Russia, it’s the fact that they’re notably one of Europe’s most beautiful faces.


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Hollywood has managed to raise the standards of beauty by instilling the image of a sexy Russian spy in our minds. The reality isn’t far from the representation anyway as most Russian women have clear skin and legs that go on forever.





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We don’t need any proof that South America has some of the most beautiful women of the world. In Colombia, you can find a lot of them. Colombian women have to-die-for bodies and hair worthy of their own shampoo commercial.


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Serbia boasts one of the richest cultures in all of Europe, and their women are rich in beauty too. These Mediterranean beauties are olive-skinned with tantalizing eyes and the height to match. Traveler who walk the Serbian streets often wonder if they’ve stepped into a scene for a movie.




Check out the videos below.

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