15 DIY Decorating Ideas for Indoor Plants

15 DIY Decorating Ideas for Indoor Plants

Plants are considered as a sign of life, vitality, and vigor. Incorporating them in your interior design can turn you environment into a refreshing one. indoor plants also serve as a treat for your eyes, and they provide you with clean and fresh air.

This list is to give you some idea on how you can display plants in your home. Check these amazing designs.

1.  Display your plant collections with an end table in your living room.

indoor plants
2.  An unused fireplace can be a perfect spot to put your plants in.

indoor plants
3.  Lumber slabs mounted on walls can serve as great planters.

indoor plants
4.  Planters can be displayed in tables as centerpieces.

indoor plants
5.  Old wooden crates as display shelves.

indoor plants




6.  Hurricane lanterns can be useful for single plants.

indoor plants
7.  Wall brackets can also hold plants.

indoor plants
8.  Vacant wooden shelves can be utilized for indoor plants displays.

indoor plants
9.  indoor plants never hurt anyone when put in your headboard.

10.  Planters in stairs give an amazing woddsy ambiance.




11.  Put planters in stands.

12. You can also display them in your nightstand.

13.  indoor plants on kitchen windows can give you a magnificent view.

14.  Small plants can be displayed in a wicker basket.

15.  Rustic ladders are also a way to go.

Find out more DIY indoor plants ideas here: 20 DIY Ideas to Turn Your Yard into a Surreal Paradise




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