This is How Your Favorite Disney Princess Would Look Without Makeup …Whoa

This is How Your Favorite Disney Princess Would Look Without Makeup …Whoa


To advocate real beauty, a lot of women, many of whom are celebrities, are posting photos of themselves online sans makeup. Through these images, they have proven that it is okay to be viewed by the world without having to put anything on your face. You can be called beautiful, with or without any makeup on.

In line with this, Loryn Brantz from BuzzFeed decided to find out how Disney princesses look like without makeup. So, below you can check out how they look like without the eye shadow, dark curly lashes, and cheek contouring. Most people will agree that these animated ladies look just as perfect without the makeup.





MulanThe Stuff of Nightmares: Disney Princesses Without Makeup



Snow White555


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