New ‘Ghostbusters’ Cast Heed the Call of Sick Children in Surprise Hospital Visit

New ‘Ghostbusters’ Cast Heed the Call of Sick Children in Surprise Hospital Visit

As the cast of the original Ghostbusters movie prepare to pass the mantle for the 2016 remake, let’s take a moment to marvel at how awesome the new cast is.

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Melissa McCarthy, Kristen  Wiig, Leslie Jones, and Kate McKinnon gave children from Floating Hospital for Children in Tufts Medical Center a surprise visit. The whole cast showed up in full Ghostbusters gear, and judging from the photos, it seemed like a fun day.

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The ladies actually took the time off filming to visit the hospital after kids place up signs on the windows reading, “Who ya gonna call?” The pictures blew up the Internet, prompting grateful requests from people everywhere for the cast to show up.

At one point, the ladies came across a patient who couldn’t leave her room. They decided to still take the shot with her from the outside, making sure she’s still in the frame.

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While we’re tipping our hats to these ladies out of respect for their warm gesture, let’s all mark our calendars for the release of the movie this coming July 2016. Looks like they’ve managed to capture laughter even outside the big screen.

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