Mahatma Ghandi once said “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” Ever since the dawn of human civilization, man has been domesticating animals for food, for labor and also for their company. Man relies on animal for many things and animals as pets are may be one of mankind’s greatest invention.
Many of us own a pet or pets nowadays. Our pets may be a cat, a dog, a bird, a rabbit but one thing is for sure, we all love our pets. It is very important to treat our pets and other animals with kindness. It is almost always that people with high morals always treat animals with kindness and with care just like how they treat other people.
Pets provide us company, support, and many more. But, sometimes our pets are the ones that need our help. The pictures below shows how some people go the extra mile to help save or give comfort to animals that are in need of help.
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