Incredible Art Painted on Garage Doors

Incredible Art Painted on Garage Doors

Art is everywhere! We can find art seemingly everywhere in the world. Because art is something everyone can do, a toddler can make an artwork just like a Fine Arts student can. It is the beauty of art. It does not choose where or who; art transcends all boundaries.

As we were talking about boundaries and art, here are incredible pieces of art painted on garage doors.


They surely got their neighbors talking.



Maverick’s garage.






If you have a Jaguar, I have a Rhino!





You wouldn’t want to mess with the owner of this garage!


Hope they don’t have kids.



Big enough for a train.




He said he’ll change it for Easter!


Are those real dogs?


I wouldn’t walk near that garage!


Call the Ghostbusters!




Do I need a library card?


Accident prone!


Now that’s the real horse power!


You shall not pass!






How did it fit in there?


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