Pool, cue or billiards is one of the great past-time sports of all time.Dating back from 1340s, the sports of billiards have a long and rich history. The sport is even mentioned by Shakespeare in his “Antony and Cleopatra.”
There are many variants of the sport which includes snooker (no holes), pool (e.g. 8-balls, 9-balls), and snooker or English billiards. Mainly, cue is played on a rectangular table, twice as long as they are wide. Usual tables have three holes in each sides.
But there are other kinds of pool tables. A proof that if you give a man too much free time, he could create some weirdly and amusing things. Seeing an L-shaped pool table, made me go to Google and search what other “billiardy” nonsense was out there. Here are some of the most amusing weird-shaped and designed cue tables in the world.
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Pick up pool table for billiards of the go.
VW camper pool table
Bumper pool /bar billiard / pin ball all-in-one
Glass bed pool table … This actually looks cool.
The infamous L-shaped pool table.
Circular Pool – No more corner pocket shots
Triangle Cue Table
Elongated Table
Elongated Octagon