Pixel Sofa

The fabric for the Pixel Couches was created by a Dutch designer.
Swimming Pool Sofa

This awesome concept sofa design was made for an campaign of Piscine Castiglione, a swimming pool design advertising firm.
Bocca Sofa

The legendary 1970 lip-shaped sofa is based on Salvador Dali’s famous Mae West sofa from 1936. The sexy lips of Hollywood actress, May West inspired Dalí. It’s available only in red, of course.
Coliseum Sofa

Built in the shape of the infamous Roman Coliseum, this couch seems like a comfortable place for gladiators to relax
Coffin Sofa

Whether you call them
coffins or couches, this piece of bizarre furniture is worth a whopping $4,500. Created using recycled steel coffins; the raw material was collected from local funeral
parlors in Southern California. Since the health and safety law doesn’t allow used coffins to be resole, these pieces were sold to public as the idea of recycling sound quite interesting.
Tiger/Cow Sofa

Rodolfo Rocchetti of “Tappezzeria Rocchetti”, a master designer from Rome, made these incredibly creative pieces of
The Double Decker Sofa

Cozy and space saving! Perfect.
Harrod’s Stuffed Animals Sofa

Tell me this does not look like the coziest thing on the face of this earth?
Sila, The Yoga sofa

The word Sila is a yoga term, which means to sit cross-legged. The design of this sofa is to bring the peace and tranquility of meditation to a modern, environment.
Wave Seat Sofa

Remember Goldilocks and the
3 bears? While the bears were away, she made her way into their house trying everything until she found the perfect fit. In hindsight she was on to something. Well this couch is something like that. We all want products designed especially for us. The Wave Seat, created by Jung Hoon Rhee, makes it possible thru the magic of nanotubes! This couch will literally form to your body to make sure you are as comfortable as can be.
Songololo Sofa

The Songololo Sofa was created by Haldane Martin, a south african furniture designer in Cape Town.
Groovy Banana

Yohanan Siskindovich’s rocking couch design looks almost as fun as its wildly entertaining name, Groovy Banana.
The Cuddle Couch

The Movie-Pit Sofa

Elegant Tufted Couches

The Perfect Poolside Lounge

The Perfect Octagon Couch

Giant Pillow Couches for the Ultimate Cuddle Sesh

A couch that’s an entire room! PERFECT

See more of the most expensive couches in the world!
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