Pods are being built for all sorts of purposes. While there’s one that inspired a capsule hotel room hanging off a cliff, others are just completely different as they are being used as coffins. But why would you do such a thing? Let’s find out below.
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This is called the Bios Urn
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Ashes will be stored here, along with a soil mix, so that a tree seed can be planted
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As the tree grows, it uses the ashes to get the right nourishment
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You have the option of choosing what type of tree you would like to plant
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Aside from the Bios Urn, another new burial method is currently being developed. It is called the Capsula Mundi Project
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This burial method is currently under development in Italy. It’s called the “Capsula Mundi Project”. Creative artists Anna Citelli and Raoul Bretzel came up with such idea of using an organic, biodegradable burial capsule.
The project’s design concept turning the deceased person’s body into nutrients and putting it in a fetal position, which appears like a new womb, so as to create a new life.
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The seed will be planted above the pod and the roots will go down to get nourishment from the body and the soil.
The project is displayed in Jaffa, Israel
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Because it is made of starch-based plastic and is 100 percent biodegradable, it can be buried below ground.
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Like the Bios Urn, you will also be able to choose the tree you want.
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These burial options will change the way society views death. Imagine being able to go outside and point to a tree and know that it grew from one of your relatives. It’s such a beautiful way to keep their memory alive.
Learn more about the Bios Urn below.
Here’s more information on the Capsula Mundi Project:
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