Meet Tradinno, the World’s Largest Walking Robot

Meet Tradinno, the World’s Largest Walking Robot

Robots were once a figment of a person’s imagination.

These mechanical marvels only came to life on the pages of a science fiction novel and at the typical Hollywood movie. Today, technological breakthroughs made it possible for these robots to finally materialize in real life.

One particular robot that is creating a buzz made headlines when it was inducted in the Guinness Book of World Records. And this robot is anything but human. Dubbed as the world’s largest walking robot, the Tradinno is a 51 ft, 11 ton, radio controlled dragon that also spits fire.




This robotic marvel was both designed and created by the German company Zollner Elektronik AG. The dragon’s full measurement are 5.50 m x 3.80 m x 4.50 m. It is powered by a 2.0 liter Diesel engine with an impressive 140 horsepower. This impressive robot also sports large wings that spans 12 meters complete with 80 liters of stage blood.




Adding to Tradinno’s impressive features include hydraulic and electronic components with nine separate controllers that contains two TI processors and a Fujitsu micro controller. It has 238 separate sensors that determine the environment around it. It can fully function on its four legs with each having 7 degrees of freedom giving it a life like gait.






Tradinno’s creation was first started back in 2007 that consisted with a team of 15 people. The design of the dragon was based on the 500 year old legend surrounding the German town of Furth im Wald. The dragon was first displayed in Berlin, Germany on September 27, 2012.




Check out more of this impressive man made marvel in the video below.



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