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New Japanese Arcade Games That Define the Future of Gaming


Arcade games have come along way since Pong and Pac Man was first released to the public during the 1980’s.

From the enormous, cabinet like machines with the flickering pixel graphics to the now sleeker and more more realistic versions of arcade games , it is not hard to see that the evolution of technology greatly affected the way arcade games evolved. Given today’s technological advancements, it does not come as a surprise that Japan has released more breathtaking arcade games that are sure to satisfy your gaming addiction.

From virtual reality to high tech simulations, you can go no wrong with these must try Japanese arcade games.

1.) Gundam Arcade Pods

Gundam Pod is a popular arcade game that is making quite a scene in Japan’s techno scene. Both fans and non fans alike of the anime series will having something to enjoy about this arcade game which brings realistic flight simulators to a whole new level. If you fancy a try, then go ahead and don the communication headset and climb into the dome shaped cabin and find out what it feels like to be a part of the brawl in out space.

2.) SEGA Afterburner R360 unit

Manufactured by the famous Japanese gaming company Sega, this aptly named arcade cabinet has the capacity to give gamers a feeling of in game action which is characterized by the arcade cabinet’s rotations. These rotations can go reach up 360 degrees. Gamers are strapped safely with a two seat belts akin to that of roller coaster harness. And emergency button is built in to signal the attendant.

3.) Groove Coaster


The popular Groove Coaster is an iOS rhythm game developed by  Matrix Software and released by Taito Corporation. This popular arcade game is a combination of music and targets game. The objective of the game is to sync your movements and hit the target with the songs being played.

4.) Gunslinger Stratos 2

This third person shooting game is perfect for those who want practice their aim. The latest development of this version allows four players to stand next to each other while enjoying the game. If you fancy a shoot out without getting injured, then we suggest trying out this game with your bffs.

Aside form the nice graphics, the game also features adorable avatars.

 5.) “Boonga Boonga”

Looking for the perfect stress reliever? This table flipping game will do just that. This hilariously made arcade game will allow you to relive your stress without suffering the consequences of hurting anyone, virtually or realitstically, that is.

6.) Portable Arcade Games

Want to satisfy your this for playing arcade games without the hassle of leaving your home? Then these portable arcade games are perfect just for you. These smaller versions of popular video games are a sure fire way to fight boredom anytime, anywhere. Whether its Pac Man or Pong, this is the perfect carry on boredom buster you can find.

Fancy playing a game or two? Check out other arcade game finds out there.


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