This Is Ooho!, the Plastic Water Bottle You Can Actually Eat

This Is Ooho!, the Plastic Water Bottle You Can Actually Eat

People are aware of the detrimental effects of plastic water bottles on the environment. They’re nonbiodegradable, so when they’re thrown away improperly, they lie stagnant on the ground and can leach harmful chemicals into the ground.

There are roughly 50 billion plastic water bottles every year in America alone, but only 23 percent of these bottles are recycled. Therefore, the other 38 billion plastic bottles are left on landfills, and it would take more than a century for them to decompose.

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So to prevent these materials from causing more harm to the earth, a group of people sought ways to make edible and environment-friendly versions of plastic bottles.

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They came up with Ooho!, a completely biodegradable water bottle that has a packaging that is made with calcium chloride–based membrane and a biodegradable seaweed that can be chewed right after. Hence, Ooho! vaguely looks like an edible balloon that you can just simply break with your mouth and slurp away.

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Once this seaweed-derived membrane turns into solid from its liquid form and the water melts, all that remains is a serving of packaged water, which can be carried anywhere and of course, eco-friendly.

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“The most clear inspiration is the way nature encapsulate liquids using membranes. Made of lipids and proteins, the membrane enclose, limit and give a shape, keeping the balance between the interior and the exterior,” the maker explains.

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A London-based laboratory invented Ooho!. Aside from winning the Lexus Design Award last year, the European Union gave the product a sustainability grant, in hopes of introducing it to a larger scale.

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