This Bizarre Product Allows Women to Pee Standing Up

This Bizarre Product Allows Women to Pee Standing Up

We know no one personally, but who knows, there might be some women out there who actually fancy peeing while standing up. If you’re one, here’s the product that will cater to your odd desire.

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This is the Shewee. It was first made in 1999 but came back in 2013 after undergoing some changes—in colors, because now it comes in white, green, and pink.

This product allows women to stand while doing their business. As it doesn’t need girls to squat down to pee, it will be every woman’s perfect partner during campings and when they need to use public toilets.

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To help us understand how Shewee works, the Web site for the product shared instructions on how to use it. Here’s what it says.

“1. Undo trousers, push underwear to one side and place the Shewee gently against the body.

2. Aim the Shewee away from feet, and towards the ground/toilet/into your Peebol

3. When finished, pull the Shewee away and wipe. The Shewees liquid repellent surface will ensure no drips are left on the Shewee itself.

4. Place the Shewee back into its case (Pace, Pure & Power), or into a resealable bag if you do not have a case.”

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Well, actually, Shewee is not the only one. The inventor of “the original female urinating device” has made other similar products. One of which is the Peebol, a reusable toilet, and a female boxer brief that has a pocket so women wouldn’t have to take of their undies when they’re using the Shewee.

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