18-Year-Old Girl Ties the Knot with a Stray Dog to Lift Evil Spell

18-Year-Old Girl Ties the Knot with a Stray Dog to Lift Evil Spell

Mangli Munda is just like any other 18-year-old. She has dreamed about a wonderful wedding in a pretty dress and in front of the people she loved. She got exactly what she wanted, a beautiful ceremony with an entire village as the audience and a traditional costume to wear. All was set according to her wishes—except that she didn’t get the groom she expected because for this wedding, Mangli is marrying a dog.

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It was actually the girl’s parents who came up with the idea to have their daughter tie the knot with a stray dog named Sheru. The plan came after the holy men had told her family in a dream that Mangli was cursed.

In order to ward off the evil spell, she needed to wed a dog so the man she will soon actually marry will live long. This isn’t anything new for this remote village as there had been five other marriages following the same process.

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“I’ve seen at least four or five weddings like this,” Mangli’s father, Sri Amnunda, says. Even with that, Mangli is not thrilled about what has happened.

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The family seemed to have arranged quite a lavish ceremony. Sheru the dog was given the royal treatment in a chauffeur-driven car as he was taken to the ceremony. Mangli, even with her reluctance, eventually had to give in to follow the orders made by people around her.

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Mangli did not need to worry as her marriage was not legally binding so she can one day finally marry the man of her dreams.

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Both parties came out triumphant here as Sheru, who was once a stray, now found a forever home with Mangli’s family.


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