They Thought It Was Her Last Day on Earth …What Happened Next Shocked Them

They Thought It Was Her Last Day on Earth …What Happened Next Shocked Them

In the past few years, there have been lots of stories about strange encounters and sightings of Jesus and angels. While some believe they have seen an angel disappearing after almost getting run over by cars, others reportedly see them during emergency situations. The latter is exactly what happened to this family.

Fourteen-year-old Chelsea had been suffering a number of medical problems caused by a horrible case of pneumonia. By the time she was diagnosed, the doctors already lost hope.

One day, Colleen Banton decided to take her daughter to the hospital. At that time, she had already accepted the fact that it was probably going to be the end for her beautiful girl.

As Chelsea laid in her hospital room, her older sister took photos of her because she thought it was going to be her last day on earth. When Chelsea drifted to sleep, the entire family said their last good-byes.

In a sudden twist of fate, something shocking happened, and the doctors could not even explain it. Chelsea began to feel better. She woke up and started looking for her mother.


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However, it isn’t the only incredible thing that had happened. A hospital employee claimed she had witnessed something odd in the security clips. She was sure that what she saw was an angel.

Although Chelsea is still suffering from health problems, the staff at the hospital couldn’t believe what had just happened to her. Everyone who viewed the clip believed that it was an angel standing outside the door of Chelsea’s room.


Watch more of this miracle in the video below.


Angels don’t always have wings. Get to know some of them here:

See How These Homeless Brothers Found a Charitable Angel

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